Book Review: Ghostly Echoes

Book Title: Ghostly Echoes
Book Author: William Ritter
Page Count: 340 Pages
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
Recommendation: Yes! 

Hello Book Friends! I hope today is a splendid one for you!

How excited was I to read this particular book? Well, SUPER excited, let me tell you.  I really feel like it’s been a long wait from the first book to the this one and I couldn’t believe I FINALLY made it here! This book had my FULL ATTENTION now, not just 97% of it. I may or may not have almost spilt my precious tea from so much excitement! 😅

I couldn’t wait to finally discover Jenny’s story and background. (Especially since it’s been so hyped up in the previous books!)

This is one is my favorite out of them so far! This book seemed a little darker than the previous ones, but I can handle the darkness.( #supernaturalfanrighthere 😂)  I still enjoyed this story so, so much! I can’t wait to finishing collecting all of the books! I purchased the first one since I loved it so much and so far I’ve checked all the other ones out at – you guessed it… the library!

And I absolutely adore the covers of these books, I mean how pretty is that!

The story picks up right where last book left off, leaving us ready to finally hear about Jenny’s story.  I feel so proud of this girl for trying so hard at what she’s attempting to do. Although Abigail is still the protagonist in the story, I feel like Jenny was the person whose had so much growth in the book. She dealt with a lot of things that she was ready to face before and she seems to be so much stronger and better because of it!

Trouble always seems to brew when Jenny and Abigail get together, despite Jackaby’s warnings!  I had of few moments of predictability, but I’m blaming it all on my horrible ability to predict things like that.  How dare I!? 😂 It’s okay, I still enjoyed this story.

This is where Abigail is introduced to Pavel.  She realizes she’s met the guy before, he’s the CREEPY one that she sees on the train that seems suspicious to her in Beastly Bones that’s been stalking her.  I knew there was something different about the dude, but I must say, I did not see THAT coming, lol.

Abigail gets to see a little about what happened to Jenny before she became ghost, and you learn a lot about her relationship with Carson – her fiancè.  You also find out about Pavel. But Pavel is definitely on the villanous side, that much you can tell. Abigail immediately doesn’t like him.  Good for you, Abigail. Go team instincts!

Jenny’s been having these Echoes throughout the story, and even had a few back in Beastly bones.  This is where she’s in a trance, and she’s having a memory of the past.  In the real world she causes everything around her to become icy.  This is NOT a good thing. Oh, no. Don’t do that Jenny! I felt so bad for the ghost, every time she had one of these episodes but even more so for Abigail with having to deal with the after math.

Jackaby is totally against what the girls are doing, and he makes sure to let them know that he won’t allow it again. It’s obvious that Jackaby is dragging on with this case.  He doesn’t want to do it, but he doesn’t want to go against Jenny’s wishes. Unfortunately, you find out that there’s been a murder and is EXACTLY like Jenny’s case.  So now Jackaby has to investigate, whether he wants to do or not. Jackaby is still working with Jenny throughout the book teaching her that her fears are just mind over matter.

Abigail ends up stumbling upon Pavel under the investigation and you find out that Pavel is a vampire.  Okay, creepy factor explained, but still creepy here nonetheless.  He’s no more likeable than before.

During the investigation Jackaby has called Charlie to help! I’m pretty sure he did it just for Abigail and I couldn’t be happier about that. Abigail is like the little sister Jackaby never had. So cute! You can see that Jackaby loves the two of them, though he would deny it completely if asked.

Also, can I just comment on how awesome Carson is? His faith in Jenny is encouraging and amazing and I think it’s awesome how he admires her ability to learn.  Also he thought she was bloody brilliant which makes him swoon worthy in my mind.

The Dire Council.  I feel like this whole deal just came out the blue.  I only recall minor things here and there that led up to these events, but I don’t think it was significant enough.  There could have more.  There could always be more writing though.  Maybe that’s why I LOVE huge books.

The INFORMATION at the end of the book though.  Honestly, I was a bit shook there. I understand why Abigail’s angry.  Heck, I’m angry.  We’re all angry.  Still, I ended up loving this book and I can’t wait to read the last book in the series!

Anyways, these are my non-spoilery opinions and thoughts about this book! Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below! Also, thanks for reading!

If you want to find out more about the story you can check it out here:  Ghostly Echoes
And if you want to find out more about this author you check it out here: William Ritter

Book Review: Beastly Bones

Book Title: Beastly Bones
Book Author: William Ritter
Page Count: 296
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

Would I Recommend: Yes! 

This is book 2 in the Jackaby series.  I have read (and loved!) the first book, and you can read all about my book review here: Jackaby

Upon adventuring into this book I definitely hoped it was just as good as the first and I must say that I definitely I thought so! It was fantastic.  The first book focused a lot more on Jackaby, however that IS the the title of the book, hence more of the focus.  Although Jackaby was not involved in this book as much, the adventure for Abigail was just as exciting!

Spoilers Begin!!!

Ok, so I’ll begin with Jenny. The author cleverly included small bits of Jenny’s little outbursts, and echoes of herself – which seriously made me immediately want to jump into the next book – Ghostly Echoes – which is where we find out what happened to the poor Ghost. Seriously I’ve already started Ghostly Echoes. These bits in Beastly Bones have nothing to do with the plot of Beastly Bones, but it’s just enough for you to wonder what’s happening with Jenny.  Which you won’t find out until Ghostly Echoes. Poor Jenny.

Regardless, the book has them chasing a case which eventually leads to Gad’s Valley, where Charlie Barker was assigned. There’s some bones out in the field. Dinosaur bones to be exact. As noted in the previous book Abigail’s father is a famous archaeologist, always out on a dig.  Abigail, wanting to follow in his footsteps, is extremely excited to be out in the field on this particular adventure. And you can feel her excitement as you read along, which makes you invested in finding out what happens.

Hank Hudson was definitely a great character in the book.  I wanted to know more about his hunting trips and discoveries as we go along. His nature and the fact that he immediately takes a liking to Abigail made me like him right off the bat.

One of the best parts about this book is Abigail and Jackaby discussing her “lovelife.” I love that although Jackaby insists on not knowing or even wanting to know anything in that department of her life – he actually sees what’s going on, and gives her sound advice, while trying to pretend to be oblivious and hate the fact that he’s invested in knowing all about it. Also, he reminds her that while people may give her advice, she can think for herself and that’s the reason she’s qualified to be his assistance on these cases. Abigail is once again reminded of how awesome her employer is. Especially when she’s overthinking things and need encouragement in her life.

There’s a betrayer and their midst, but that’s no surprise.  Something was going on and Jackaby and Abigail figured out who it was.  One of their new friends didn’t make it, which was sad.  But in every good story, there’s usually one person who doesn’t make it until the end.

I think the series is written is such as way that my mind tells me not to stop reading, even when there are some boring parts (such as the nonstop arguing between two figures in the book that I could have cared a lot less about, but were important to the plot). I still read them, even though it was slightly boring it still held my attention. But overall I really liked enough that it’s now one of my favorite series that’s going to go onto my favorites shelf!

And there you have it, my thoughts and opinions of the book which are all my own.  You can let me know your opinions and thoughts in the comment box below.  Thanks for reading!

Book Review: Jackaby

Book Title: Jackaby

Book Author: William Ritter
Page Count: 299
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Would I Recommend: Yes! 

I ended up picking this one out as an e-book on my library’s website and began reading it in my spare time.  It was good but I had to read it on my laptop because I didn’t have any other type of e-reader at the time. I don’t personally like reading things on my computer if I can help it. It’s just awkward to hold a laptop and read. And the library website isn’t really touchscreen compatible, so I was frustrating trying to deal with that too.  About a week later, I was looking for specific books in the library and I stumbled upon a hard copy, so I checked it out and finished reading it immediately. 

I was very interested in reading this series after reading the amazing book, Stalking the Jack the Ripper.  As you can see, I thought it was awesome. You can check out my review on that book here: Stalking Jack the Ripper

While Jackaby has nothing to do with Jack the Ripper, it was still a book that had a similar Sherlockian (is that a even a word?) feel, where a girl is the protagonist and she’s busy trying to make a name for herself in a mostly man’s occupied world. The book also has much to do with Jackaby’s ability to see  supernatural things that others can’t.  And Abigail Rook just happens to stumble upon a thrill-seeking adventure which is always what she’s wanted to do with her life. 

I must say, I absolutely loved this book.  It has a different atmosphere around it than the one in Stalking Jack the Ripper, but I thought it was equally as good.

The book cover is stunning too! My picture above does not do it justice!  I wish you could see how pretty and awesome it is.


To be honest, for some reason I’ve always strayed away from historical fiction books.  Maybe because I thought that some of them would be just as boring as history class (I always excelled in them though).  Or maybe because historical fiction makes me think of the civil war.  I stayed away until I read Stalking Jack the Ripper.  And then I wanted more! I also read the second book in the series, which was just as awesome as the first.  You can read my book review on that one here: Hunting Prince Dracula
When I read the synopsis on the back of Jackaby, it reminded me of Sherlock Holmes and an episode of Supernatural. And upon further reading, it confirmed what I’d thought. I love the fact that this book is from the apprentice’s point of view – Abigail Rook.  She took off with her college money and set off to find an adventure, leaving only postcards to her parents so they won’t worry as much about her well being.  Her first adventure didn’t work out so well so she finds herself in New England. Awesome, this is where I get pretty invested in thinking I’m going to like this book.  
Abigail’s looking for work when she stumbles across a sign that says they’re looking for an assistance. So she goes to inquire about it, meets Mr. Jackaby and then gets dragged along with him on a case. Jackaby can apparently see things – supernatural things that no other human can see.  Apparently he’s the only one that can, leaving Abigail to pick up the clues from Jackaby, and learns quickly to believe that the things Jackaby says are real are really real. It’s like Abigail has to fight the invisible thing that goes bump in the night that she can’t see. Like Dean and Sam on an episode of Supernatural. I love that show. 
Someone’s been murdered which makes this very Sherlocky, but here’s where Jackaby can see Abigail’s use in his line of work.  He sees things a certain way, and she sees the things he fails to see. But her observations are quite different with how the police force sees them. Abigail is able to handle herself around well enough around murders that Jackaby decides she’s worth to be his apprentice. I love how the author makes sures that Jackaby notes Abigail’s worth, and lets her know that he appreciates what she can do that he can’t.  Something, a lot of other people haven’t done. 
I love Abigail as she makes her way, doing the job that most people wouldn’t. Especially because people think Mr. Jackaby’s mad so they won’t dare go near him. While Abigail finds him strange, she know that he’s not crazy. And Abigail’s mind is full of questions, so she gets the answers that help her understand him.  Also, I love that Abigail wants a notebook to write down all her findings. It’s great. 
 Jenny.  When Jenny appears in Mr. Jackaby’s office – which he conveniently forgets to tell Abigail about, Abigail realizes that Mr. Jackaby’s strangeness is not as unusual as people may think.  She handles the situation pretty well for someone who’s just met a ghost. Also, the fact that Jenny is not going to put with Mr. Jackaby’s nonsense all the time is great too.  I love that she’s annoyed with him for messing up her kitchen and ruining her pots and pans etc. 
I love the relationship, if one can call it that, between Abigail and Charlie.  It’s obvious from the beginning that they both are attracted to each other. So cute. Also I love the way that Abigail protects Charlie in the in end after he’s injured, even though she’s hurt too.  And then Jackaby steps in to protect them both, because regardless of his attitude, he’s quite fond of both of them. 
There’s so many good things to say about this book that I can’t possible list them all off the top of my head. This book was a fun read for me.  It didn’t have the gruesome details that Stalking Jack the Ripper has but that’s okay.  I can do without them.  I think it was well written and easy for me to follow and I could seriously not put the book down.  I loved every minute of it. I’ve already purchased my own copy. 
And there you have it, my own personal thoughts about this book.  Let me know what you thought about it – good or bad in the comments below!